Asian Fusion Detox Smoothie


posted by on Detox, Eco-Living, Smoothies Recipes

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Get your glass straw ready, because we’ve got a tasty treat for you!  This delicious, savory smoothie packs in the nutrients and heaps in some great flavor too.  If you’ve been feeling run down, low in energy, maybe even under the weather, the Asian Fusion Detox Smoothie is just what you need to get it together.  A perfect blend of flavors, this exotic smoothie is filled with rich antioxidants.  So, pull out your blender, grab your chopping board, and get ready for a power packed smoothie!


1 cup bok-choy – chopped, use the white stems and greens
2 green apples or pears
¼ avocado
¼ lemon – peeled
1 T pumpkin or sunflower seeds
1 small clove garlic
½ t fresh ginger
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil or grapeseed oil
1 shake cayenne
¼ tsp turmeric
1 cup filtered water or ice

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high.
  2. Once everything is a smooth, creamy consistency, pour in a glass, insert glass straw and enjoy!

The Asian Fusion Detox Smoothie recipe was created by Katherine Miller, a holistic health coach and master whole foods chef.  It is one of the recipes she includes in her 10 day Extreme Radiance Detox.

Detox smoothies are an excellent way to help release toxins that have built up in the body and get your hormones back into balance.  When consumed on a regular basis, you can greatly increase your energy too.  Detox smoothies are also a fabulous way to care for your skin from the inside out.  Don’t you want to feel good in the skin you’re in?  So get to blending, your body will love your for it!

 Detox in style with this Pink 9mm Straight Glass Multi-Purpose Straw.  Grab yours today!

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